Synergys with Growl

set theConfFile to "~/.synergy_home.conf"

  set thePid to do shell script ("/bin/ps -x|grep synergys| grep -v grep|perl -ne '/^\\s*(\\d+)\\s+/;print $1;'")
  do shell script ("/bin/kill " & thePid)
on error
end try

  -- 会社は有線
  set isOffice to do shell script ("/sbin/ifconfig en0 | usr/bin/grep \"192.168\"")
  set theConfFile to "~/.synergy_office.conf"
on error
end try

do shell script "/usr/local/bin/synergys  -n $(hostname -s) --config " & theConfFile

--display dialog "Done." with title theConfFile giving up after 3
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
  set the allNotificationsList to {"Synergy Start"}
  set the enabledNotificationsList to {"Synergy Start"}
  register as application" all notifications allNotificationsList default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application "Script Editor"
  --  Send a Notification...
  notify with name ??
    "Synergy Start" title "Synergy Start" description theConfFile application name ""
end tell