script editorを使ってコンパイル

on writePropAndSaveAppBundle(theProp, theSrcPath, theDestPath)
    if isExistsItem(theDestPath) = false then
        do shell script "touch " & theDestPath
    end if
	tell application "Script Editor"
		open theSrcPath as POSIX file
        if theProp is not "" then
    		set first paragraph of first document to theProp
        end if
		set theAlias to (theDestPath as POSIX file) as alias
		save first document in theAlias as "application bundle" with run only without startup screen
	end tell
end writePropAndSaveAppBundle

on isExistsItem(thePath)
	tell application "Finder"
		set theAnswer to exists thePath as POSIX file
	end tell
	return theAnswer
end isExistsItem